screenshot of yoga full stack application

Namaste Fit

Namaste Fit is my first full stack application. I learned so much here! Collaboration on this project was incredible and I learned what it means to be apart of a well diverse team. We implemented Handlebars.js with little experience and successfully established CRUD routes and front end functionality to work with our back end javascript and database.

Click here to visit the group repository for this project.

screenshot of national park finder site

National Park Finder

This project allowed me to discover how much I enjoy working on a team. We all communciated effeciently and helped each other when needed. I also really enjoyed working on the front-end side of things. It was challenging at first to utilize a new framework, Foundation, but then everything just clicked and it felt very rewarding.

Click here to visit the group repository for this project.

Screenshot of code quiz website

Code Quiz

Code Quiz challenged my ability to create dynamic objects based off user input. I really dove into storing data into objects and learning how to properly access that data later.

Click here to visit the repository for this project.

Screenshot of Password Generator website

Password Generator

Password Generator was my introduction to JavaScript. The capabilities of the language became clearer as I progressed. I wrote the Javascript to generate a randomized password from user criteria. I used resources such as MDN and W3Schools when I ran into a problem I wasn't familiar on how to solve.

Click here to visit the repository for this project.

Screenshot of Task Manger website

Task Manager

Task Manager introduced how to use localStorage and creating DOM elements dynamically. I learned to use the console for debugging, testing my code and for finding element values in the browser.

Click here to visit the repository for this project.

Screenshot of workday scheduling website

Workday Scheduler

Workday Scheduler taught me more about utilizing localStorage and dynamic elements as well as what JavaScript can accomplish. Moment.js was also introduced and utilized and I've become best friends with ChromeDevTools.

Click here to visit the repository for this project.

Screenshot of Run Buddy website

Run Buddy

Run Buddy was created during Coding Bootcamp. Through this project I gained experience with HTML, CSS, Git and GitHub to create a landing page for a company needing to increase user sign-ups and interaction.

Click here to visit the repository for this project.