Lacey sitting in front of wooden lattice

Nice to meet you! I'm Lacey, currently a student at the University of Texas at Austin following my goals to become a Web Developer. Before this journey, I owned a coffee shop outside of Austin. It was tough, tiring and frustrating. More importantly, it was rewarding. I learned to solve problems, often on the fly. I drank awesome coffee (definitely a perk!) and I met people on all walks of life, which taught me the value in human connection. I experienced the importance of communication, persistence and clarity. I learned that you can start something new and be pretty bad at it but every day you'll get better if you commit the time to it.

When I'm not working on code or design, I'm typically cooking or outside with my son and dog. I love reading, music, photography and making lists! I am an INFJ actively trying to understand the ways of extroverts.